The Adventures of Guillermo and the Talisman in the Rainbow Land (English Edition)

Por Jamila Mafra

Código do livro: 665400


Fantasia, Clássicos, Aventura, Jovens e Adolescentes, Infantil, Ficção

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The late afternoon was still sunny, in the sky the birds sang while Guilhermo returned from school riding his bicycle. With his childlike joy he smiled at the few clouds seen on high. Guillermo had just moved with his parents to the new city and that seemed to be another ordinary afternoon. For the first time he passed a street that was busy at that time, when he came across an old mansion that was about to be demolished.

Having the adventurous spirit, the next day, he returns to the house, he finds; in one of the dusty rooms, a magical talisman capable of fulfilling the desires of those who possess it. This stone belonged to an old sorcerer who once inhabited that place. Enthusiastic about the discovery Guillermo takes with him the talisman and immediately makes his first request: to be taken to a world where there is much gold. In this world he will live great moments. The Adventures of Guillermo and the Talisman In the Land of the Rainbow will make you travel through an incredible place, a place hidden in our dreams.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Jamila Mafra é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia, Geografia Geral, Língua Portuguesa e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.

A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.

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