Overcoming procrastination!

Understanding, Identifying, and Overcoming Procrastination.

Por Maxwell Potiguara

Código do livro: 665189


Motivacional, Inspiração E Crescimento Pessoal, Crescimento Pessoal, Guias De Estudo, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Autoajuda

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In 'Overcoming Procrastination: Identifying, Understanding, and Overcoming', Maxwell Potiwara shares practical wisdom and effective strategies to help readers tackle procrastination head-on. This E-book offers an insightful insight into the underlying causes of procrastination and presents powerful tools for overcoming this challenge with determination and focus. Get ready to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals with renewed confidence.


Número de páginas 28
Edição 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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Maxwell Potiguara

Sou indígena da etnia Potiguara, autor e desenvolvedor de e-books desde 2024.

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