Persian campaigns in the Medes Wars, 494 - 479 BC

A historical simulation

Por André Geraque Kiffer

Código do livro: 638590


Geografia E Historia, Games E Rpg, Ciências Humanas E Sociais

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The Medes Wars (494-479 BC) were the first in history to feature large-scale naval operations: not only naval battles between squadrons with hundreds of trirems on either side, but also joint land-sea operations. Ships in ancient times operated only in the relatively calmer waters of the seas and rivers; the oceans were beyond their technical limits. Thus, navies were almost always used as auxiliaries of the ground forces, essentially transporting them supplies and / or themselves. They rarely attacked on their own, and only occasionally did a decisive sea battle take place. A strategic operational effort between land forces and sea forces will be sought to keep the Greeks in doubt as to where the main action is. Land movement is best suited to meet the greatest enemy resistance, and once it has engaged it (not decisively as it was in the Thermopylae), neutralizing its ability to react will allow sea movement to fall to the rear of the Greek position and stand on the defensive tactics, not precipitating an attack as occurred on Plataea.


Número de páginas 60
Edição 1 (2019)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

André Geraque Kiffer

Coronel do Exército.

Bacharel em Ciências Militares, pela Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, Resende - RJ (1982).

Doutor em Ciências Militares, pós-graduação universitária stricto sensu, pela Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (1999-2000).

MBA Executivo, pós-graduação lato sensu, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2008).

Metodologia da Pesquisa em Ciências Militares, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2009).

Bacharel em História pela Universidade Estácio (2019).

Casado com Leila Cristina de Paiva Kiffer, com quem tem dois filhos, Vitor de Paiva Kiffer e Eduardo de Paiva Kiffer.

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