The Hidden Shelter

Por José Nunes Montes

Código do livro: 719557


Aventura E Aventureiros, Aventura, Ficção e Romance, Ficção

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The Hidden Shelter by José Nunes Montes is an epic journey that takes readers on an unforgettable voyage across a post-apocalyptic world, where remnants of ancient civilizations and modern-day struggles intertwine. Set in a future where the Earth’s landscapes have been dramatically reshaped by catastrophic events, the novel weaves a tale of survival, discovery, and the relentless pursuit of truth.

The story follows the protagonist, Zurash, aboard the Hermes, an imposing yet aged frigate, as he embarks on a quest that transcends the physical boundaries of the Earth. Guided by the enigmatic Captain DiMaestro, Zurash and the crew navigate treacherous seas, face fierce storms, and encounter mysterious phenomena that challenge their understanding of the world. The ship’s journey is not just one of physical exploration but also of profound spiritual and intellectual discovery, as they unravel secrets that could reshape humanity’s future.

Montes skillfully blends elements of adventure, historical reflection, and speculative fiction. He creates a richly detailed world where the past and future collide, revealing the consequences of humanity’s actions on a global scale. The vivid descriptions of decimated coastlines, forgotten civilizations, and the resilience of nature paint a stark yet hopeful picture of a world in recovery.

The characters are deeply human, each with their own backstory, motivations, and inner conflicts. From the seasoned captain, whose wisdom is both a guiding light and a source of mystery, to the young crew members grappling with their pasts and the unknown future, the narrative explores themes of loss, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world that has lost much of its past glory.

The Hidden Shelter is more than just a tale of survival; it is a reflection on humanity’s enduring quest for knowledge and the intrinsic connection between our history and our future. As the crew of the Hermes delves deeper into their journey, they uncover truths that have been buried for centuries, forcing them to confront the very essence of human existence and our place in the universe.

This novel will appeal to fans of speculative fiction, historical adventure, and anyone who enjoys a well-crafted story that challenges the mind and stirs the soul. Montes has crafted a narrative that is both timeless and timely, offering a glimpse into a future that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling.


ISBN 9786501145785
Número de páginas 246
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Polen
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

José Nunes Montes

José Nunes Montes Neto nasceu em Belém-PA e reside em Canoas-RS desde 2006. Formado em Jornalismo pela UFPA, ele é um apaixonado pela ficção científica, pelo mundo espiritual, e pelas teorias dos Antigos Astronautas. Seu trabalho jornalístico foca em fatos relacionados à vida extraterrestre, casos ufológicos e pesquisas sobre a formação do universo, o que influencia profundamente sua escrita de ficção.

Inspira-se em grandes mestres como Isaac Asimov, Júlio Verne, Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells, e o astrônomo Carl Sagan. Em cada livro, ele busca melhorar sua escrita, criando histórias que ressoem com os leitores de forma única e envolvente. José está atualmente desenvolvendo contos literários e ensaios sobre ficção científica.

O autor também escreve contos filosóficos e poemas que expressam a filosofia e a metafísica, bem como a arte da ficção.

Além de sua paixão pela escrita, José é um entusiasta da caligrafia, possuindo uma pequena coleção de canetas-tinteiro que utiliza para aprimorar ainda mais sua técnica. Sua experiência de vida em diferentes regiões do Brasil e sua interação com diversas culturas regionais e internacionais enriquecem suas obras, trazendo uma perspectiva única e diversa à sua literatura.

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