Spiritual Awakening

a path to enlightenment

Por Sannyasin Bayaty

Código do livro: 253891


Batalha Espiritual, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Inspiração E Crescimento Pessoal, Meditação, Sonhos

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The author explains how she followed a spiritual trajectory independent of religious traditions or sects, having received the Sannyas in the line of Master Osho. The sannyas is a movement of the seekers of truth, who seek to live life in its totality, through meditation, in search of enlightenment.

The goal of Bayaty is to motivate you to follow your own spiritual path, in a free and independent way, taking into account that each person is a unique and special individual in himself. Bayaty presents his extrasensory experiences, such as mediumship, hypnosis, transmutation, regression, and astral projection, and how he used those resources to solve problems and expand consciousness with the help of enlightened masters.


Número de páginas 136
Edição 1 (2018)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura
Tipo de papel Couche 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Sannyasin Bayaty

Doutora em Psicologia, Terapeuta Holística filiada ao SINTE, com mais de 20 anos de experiência. Especialista em Leitura de Tarô e Radiestesia.

Inteligência Espiritual: https://www.inteligenciaespiritual.life

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Quinta | 19.04.2018 às 14h04
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