Learn Reiki Healing Healing Yourself, Others Around You

Por jideon marques marques

Código do livro: 718012


Medicina Alternativa, Saúde E Fitness, Medicina

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Reiki is an ancient healing art, which channels universal life energy through the hands of a practitioner into the body of a receiver. Because it is a universal, God-given power, Reiki belongs to anybody who is ready to receive the gift of healing hands. Anyone, even children, can easily learn it, no special knowledge is needed except the initiation and transmission of power through a Reiki Master/Teacher.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. The universe—the space around us—is filled with endless and inexhaustible energy. It is this universal, pristine, and productive source of power and energy that also keeps us alive. Reiki is this natural healing energy, and it flows through the hands of the Reiki channel in a powerful and concentrated form.

We are all born with this universal life energy, but as we go through life we become less open and the flow becomes less pure and free.

• Rei means universal life energy.

• Ki is a part of Rei and it flows through everything alive, including our own individual vital life energy.

• Ki is known to Christians as light, to the Chinese as Chi, to Hindus as Prana, and to Kahunas as Mana. It is also called Bioplasma or Cosmic Energy.


Número de páginas 159
Edição 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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