The Mountain Peak

Is Where I Am

Por Zen Monk Meiho Gensho

Código do livro: 234893


Filosofia, Literatura Estrangeira, Religião, Filosofia / Religião, Mente & Corpo

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Petrúcio Chalegre, renowned consultant to companies, knows very well the eye of the ordinary man, having actively participated, for decades, in the business world, with all of its passions and ambitions, competition and suffering; and then later as a consultant, he has been responsible for bringing a new state of needed equilibrium. Genshō, the monk of Zen Buddhism, has practiced the path of Buddhism also for decades and led a community devoted to the discipline and beauty of this Japanese form of Buddhism. Now the two join to write a book about a common man, Ido [ē′•du], someone just like any one of us, evolved in the paths of the world, with its joys and difficulties, but who, one day, decides to leave it.


Número de páginas 130
Edição 1 (2017)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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