DRUG ADDICTION Spiritual illness Spiritual treatment

Por José Luciano Rollin

Código do livro: 771521


Espiritualidade, Espiritual, Anjos E Guias Espirituais, Abuso De Substâncias E Vícios, Não Ficção, Desenvolvimento Humano, Biografia e Testemunho, Batalha Espiritual, Autoajuda

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This book summarizes the entire journey since I sought help to stay alive, winning the fight against my illness, one day at a time. I apply in my daily discipline many teachings acquired from various sources, namely Alcoholics Anonymous and Spiritism Religion. From these two sources comes a wealth of resources for my inner reform, or intimate reform.

On this journey, at the behest of the Heights, I wrote two books that continue to encourage other people to begin this journey of recovery. The main content of these two works can be found here, as well as other writings in regional publications, in newsletters in the north of the island, where I live.

This work has been divided into four parts, with the first three incorporating this previous experience.

In the first part, I transcribed the chapters of ‘Cocaine Hell’ (my first book published in September 1996) referring to the discovery of the spiritual nature of my illness and all the help I got to stop it. Thus, seven chapters have been transcribed without the normal sequence of the original, and therefore with a break in continuity, but with the appropriate content for the purpose, which is to confirm the influence of spirits in our lives and especially in the lives of drug addicts like me.

In the second part, I transcribed four chapters from my second book, ‘The Reformation’, published in June 1997, about changing lives in recovery, based on my encounter with Alcoholics Anonymous.

In the third part, a short summary of the disease, Chemical Dependency, and the drugs that cause it, knowledge acquired from books and attending meetings over the last twenty-five years.

Finally, in the fourth part, there is a greater emphasis on important aspects for the treatment of the soul or spirit.

All the people who apply the suggestions made here in their lives, such as intimate or inner reform, the practice of ‘The Twelve Steps of A.A.’, and all the others included here, regardless of whether or not they are drug addicts, will be rewarded with the invasion of peace in their hearts.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2025)
Idioma Inglês

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