The Role of the Friend

Por Claudinei C. de Oliveira

Código do livro: 326608


Autoajuda, Educação de Filhos, Relacionamento Conjugal, Crescimento Pessoal, Motivacional, Transtorno De Humor

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We must learn to reflect before we act; and no, act before you reflect. And speaking of action before reflection, it is common to hear the following excuses:

- When I saw it, I had already done it!

- When I saw it, I had already spoken!

- Ah, at the time, I didn't see anything!

- When I gave it by faith, I had "passed over!"

We have seen that all of these are the result of measures that were certainly taken without having made a previous assessment, about the disastrous consequences; that many behaviors entail. When we reflect before acting; we gain time to evaluate the results of our actions. These acts that can mark our lives and those of others foreve


Número de páginas 81
Edição 1 (2020)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Claudinei C. de Oliveira

Pregador Evangélico, Escritor, e Pensador Cristão.

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