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Organic Cress

Cultivation Guide for Garden Beds and Containers

Por Márcio Pereira

Código do livro: 670119


Orgânico, Legumes, Frutos, Jardinagem, Educação, Ciências Biológicas

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Guide Ebook that teaches how to plant Organic Cress, Land type. Develops advanced technical knowledge in an easy way for everyone, even if the reader is in their first contact with the subject, will be able to learn the step by step of this cultivation. The best method without pesticides in garden beds and containers is explained being possible to obtain excellent organic production with this study, just by following the explanations.


Número de páginas 100
Edição 1 (2021)
Idioma Português

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Márcio Pereira

The author is a researcher on the topic of organic vegetable cultivation, developed a research program on the most effective methods for production without the use of pesticides, has published several e-books in the ecological area.

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