Stories Told by the Spirits - Complete

Mediumistic Book

Por Hermínio C. Miranda

Código do livro: 702358


Religioso, Crescimento Pessoal, Bíblia, Amor E Romance, Aconselhamento, Religião, Drama, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Comentário Bíblico, Batalha Espiritual

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This book is certainly the most precious book of the whole series. It relates mediumistic sessions of Desobsession, where ancient spirits come,who were working for evil, and the indoctrinator goes deep into their souls until finding the reason for their suffering and behavior. It is very rewarding to read it, and we don't see time running when we have it on hand. A fabulous reading.


Número de páginas 252
Edição 14 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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