Spiritist Prayers

From the Gospel According to Spiritism

Por Cairbar Schutel

Código do livro: 677805


Reencarnação, Espiritualidade, Bíblia, Religião, Devocional, Corpo, Mente E Espírito

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The collection of prayers in this booklet results from a choice made among various prayers dictated to us by the

Spirits in different circumstances. They could have dictated others, in other terms, appropriate to certain ideas

or specific cases. However, the manner doesn't matter if the thought is the same.

The purpose of prayer is to elevate our souls to God. The diversity of formulas should not make any difference

between those who believe or disbelieve in their efficacy and even less so amid adherents of Spiritism, as God

accepts all prayers if they are sincere


Número de páginas 86
Edição 11 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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