Study and Live - Part Two - Francisco C. Xavier - W. Vieira - Emmanuel - André Luiz

Mediumistic Book

Por "Francisco C. Xavier"; ''W. Vieira"; "Emmanuel", "André Luiz"

Código do livro: 723840


Bíblia, Administração De Dor, Administração Da Raiva, Aconselhamento, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Ciências da Religião, Casa E Lar, Batalha Espiritual, Autoajuda

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This is a preciousness of Spiritist Literature. Here are studied the most relevant subjects faced by current society, dedicating special attention to the problems that refer to inner matters that end up by causing him imbalance and lack of joy. It studies the faults one commits and its disastrous results for the present and future lives, and the way one can avoid it by studying and getting informed about the ways to a better life.


Número de páginas 100
Edição 18 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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