The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.

Por John Lougan

Código do livro: 593432


Sexualidade Humana, Psicologia Social, Instrução Sexual, Psicologia, Desenvolvimento Humano, Autoajuda

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Have you ever wondered how the most confident and seductive men manage to attract women so easily? What makes a man irresistible in their eyes? Get ready to discover the secrets behind seduction and become a true master in the “game” of attraction. In “The game of seduction: how to become a modern 'Casanova' and take beautiful women to bed”, by John Lougan, you will learn how to develop true masculinity, self-confidence, charisma, and presence—qualities that make any man irresistible to women. Written by one of the most influential Brazilian experts in seduction and social dynamics, with over fifteen years of hands-on experience, “The game of seduction” delves into the deep roots of attraction, from its origins, spanning through Don Juan and Giacomo Casanova, and reveals the principles used by the greatest modern masters of attraction, known as “Pickup Artists” (PUAs), to attract beautiful women and stand out in life, social interactions, and careers. With a practical and direct approach, this book will teach you how to become an “Alpha Male,” invest in your personal and professional development, achieve financial independence, take care of your health, improve your self-image, body language, style, and even your tone of voice, so you become the kind of man all women notice. You will master the art of interacting with women in any situation, whether at a party, a bar, or even on the phone, day or night. You will learn powerful strategies to create real connections and become a truly irresistible man. This book also includes references to experts on the topics covered, such as Giacomo Casanova, Robert Greene, Eric Weber, Stephen Covey, Maxwell Maltz, Dale Carnegie, James Clear, Neil Strauss, Tom Ford, Albert Mehrabian, Tony Robbins, Erik Von Markovik, among others. “The game of seduction” is not a book about conquest techniques—it’s a true journey of personal transformation. With it, you’ll become the kind of man who attracts, seduces, and keeps women in your life. Ready to master the game and make a turnaround in your love life? This book is your passport to real personal change. Transform into the “powerful” man you’ve always wanted to be and attract the women you’ve always desired. Get ready to dominate the game and become a master in the art of seduction through this fascinating, holistic, and revolutionary book.


ISBN 9786500932829
Número de páginas 237
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Português

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Fale com o autor

John Lougan

John Lougan (nome artístico) é brasileiro, coaching e escritor de livros sobre sedução, psicologia e dinâmicas sociais. Com uma paixão fervorosa por ajudar homens a aprimorarem suas habilidades de conquista, ele entrou no mundo da sedução em 2009 e nunca mais deixou de estudar a mente feminina e as dinâmicas sociais. Com mais de quinze anos de prática incansável, Lougan mergulhou profundamente nos segredos do JOGO, praticando e estudando meticulosamente uma ampla gama de métodos de sedução, tais como o Speed Seduction de Ross Jeffries, Mode One de Alan Roger Currie e Mystery Method do aclamado Erik Von Markovik. Além disso, ele realizou pesquisas aprofundadas e ininterruptas sobre Psicologia, Programação Neurolinguística (PNL) e Dinâmicas Sociais de importantes e destacados autores, como Louise L. Hay, Maxwell Maltz, David Deangelo, Allan e Barbara Pease, Ron Louis e David Copeland, Robert Greene, Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler e John Grinder, Daniel Goleman, Brian Roet, Nathaniel Branden, David Bonham-Carter, Neil Strauss, Michal Pospieszalski, Owen Cook, Julien Blanc, Alexander, Jeff Allen e Max (Real Social Dynamics), Wayne Elise, Danijel Nesek, Arash Dibazar, Alex Coulson e Richard La Ruina, entre outros de reconhecimento internacional. Com mais de uma década de experiência e prática no campo da sedução, Lougan é amplamente reconhecido como uma referência no Brasil sobre o tema e tem ensinado a prática do jogo autêntico e natural. Seus livros são verdadeiros guias transformacionais que ajudam homens a alcançarem um novo patamar em suas vidas e relacionamentos com as mulheres. Prepare-se para explorar esse mundo perturbador e fascinante da sedução, de habilidades sociais, confiança inabalável e conexões autênticas com as mulheres. Descubra o poder do “jogo” e transforme sua vida com as obras fascinantes, holísticas e revolucionárias de John Lougan.

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