Marriage by the Sound Doctrine of the Messiah - Christ

Holy Lord God Yehoshua

Por Douglas

Código do livro: 626550


Profecia, Estudo Bíblico, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Batalha Espiritual

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This book was written by one of the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, Douglas, with the express authorization of the Holy Spirit.

Know and practice the truth about Marriage by the sound doctrine (Law) of the only true God who exists: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Lord YHVH.

The agency (teaching) of the Messiah - Christ, Holy Lord God Yehoshua, regarding marriage in the New Alliance has not changed because of people's deviations, sins. Know what you can and cannot do during the act of sexual intercourse; in detail.

Examples: Between husband and wife, no can kissing on the mouth (tongue). No can oral sex. You can't masturbate each other. No can anal sex. It was the condemned god who reigns in this world, our staunch enemy, the ancient serpent - the Dragon, who taught these practices to the descendants of Cain.

The sexual area is one in which we human beings are most tempted by the evil one - the weakness of the flesh. Therefore, what is (and always has been) at stake is eternal salvation, which is individual. This book deals with real cases.


ISBN 978-65-266-1756-4
Número de páginas 105
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Paz do Messias - Cristo!

Sou discípulo do Filho de Deus YHVH, Santo Senhor Deus Yehoshua; e, uma de suas duas testemunhas do Apocalipse.

Todos nós, humanos, somos naturais do Jardim do Éden!

Neste mundo, eu nasci fisicamente em uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais, Brasil.

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