Matrix - the source code

Unraveling Forex's Hidden Power

Por Gabriel Moraes

Código do livro: 576592


Finanças Corporativas, Bancos E Bancários, Guias De Estudo, Educação, Economia

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Have you ever stopped to think who is in charge of the graphics? All this time trying to find reasons, and more reasons why the graph suddenly makes extreme impulse movements. Well, actually, in this e-book you will understand exactly that, and more, you will also learn a way to track financial institutions, knowing when they will inject SMC money into the market, thus surfing this wave together with them. All theory and practice you will find here, along with strategies for doing your trades too. The information in this e-book is extremely valuable, but it's up to you to absorb it and put it into practice! let's go! come see the financial market with a broader view. Forget binary options, and related casinos.


ISBN 978-65-266-0644-5
Número de páginas 100
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Gabriel Moraes

Estudante de economia, desenvolvi meu primeiro ebook com muito esforço e dedicação. Foram dias e noites pensando no melhor conteúdo para propor aos leitores. Material de qualidade, visando a total praticidade


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