"Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Por Jane Austen

Código do livro: 609758


Romance, Clássicos, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção e Romance, Ficção

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"Northanger Abbey" is a novel written by Jane Austen. It is a coming-of-age story that follows the adventures of Catherine Morland, a young, imaginative, and somewhat naive woman. Catherine is invited to stay with the Tilney family at their home, Northanger Abbey. As she explores the house and its surroundings, her overactive imagination leads her to believe that dark secrets and mysteries lurk within the old mansion.

The novel is a satirical take on the Gothic novel genre popular during Austen's time, and it gently mocks the sensationalism and melodrama found in such novels. Through Catherine's experiences, the book explores themes of self-discovery, the contrast between reality and imagination, and the complexities of human relationships.

"Northanger Abbey" is known for its wit and humor, and it offers a delightful glimpse into Austen's commentary on the social norms and conventions of the early 19th century, as well as her astute observations of human nature.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Jamila Mafra é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia, Geografia Geral, Língua Portuguesa e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.

A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.

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