"The Watsons" by Jane Austen

Por Jane Austen

Código do livro: 609770


Romance, Clássicos, Literatura Estrangeira, Ficção e Romance, Ficção

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"The Watsons" is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen. It tells the story of Emma Watson, a young woman who has been raised by a wealthy aunt and is returning to her family after the aunt's death. Emma struggles to adapt to her new, less privileged life and navigate the social expectations of her time.

The novel introduces various characters and potential suitors, including the kind and amiable Mr. Howard, who shows interest in Emma. However, due to the novel being unfinished, the story remains incomplete, and readers are left with open questions about Emma's future and her romantic choices.

Despite its incomplete nature, "The Watsons" is still of interest to scholars and Austen enthusiasts as it provides insights into Austen's writing style and her exploration of social and class dynamics. It's a valuable glimpse into the author's creative process and her depiction of the challenges faced by young women in the early 19th century England.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Jamila Mafra é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia, Geografia Geral, Língua Portuguesa e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.

A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.

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