Management 5.0 in the Mechanical Forming Industry: The New Era of Artificial Intelligence

Society 5.0 and the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution

Por Vilson Gruber; Roderval Marcelino; Lírio Schaeffer

Código do livro: 696504


Computadores E Tecnologia, Automação, Arquitetural E Industrial, Administração Prática, Informática, Engenharia E Tecnologia, Administração

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In a world rapidly advancing towards a future defined by artificial intelligence and interconnected systems, "Management 5.0 in the Mechanical Forming Industry: The New Era of Artificial Intelligence" serves as an essential guide for industry leaders, engineers, and scholars. This comprehensive book explores the transformative impact of Society 5.0 on the mechanical forming industry, delving into the challenges and opportunities brought forth by the latest industrial revolution.

The book provides a detailed analysis of how Management 5.0 principles integrate human-centric approaches with cutting-edge AI technologies to enhance productivity, innovation, and sustainability in mechanical forming processes. Through a series of case studies, expert insights, and practical applications, readers will gain a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of industrial management.

Key topics include the integration of AI and IoT in manufacturing, the role of big data and analytics in decision-making, and the development of smart factories that prioritize both efficiency and human well-being. The book also addresses the socio-economic implications of these advancements, highlighting the importance of upskilling the workforce and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

"Management 5.0 in the Mechanical Forming Industry" is not just a technical manual; it is a visionary roadmap that outlines the path towards a more resilient, adaptive, and inclusive industrial future. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, this book offers valuable insights into navigating the complexities of the modern industrial revolution and embracing the full potential of Society 5.0.


ISBN 978-65-266-2495-1
Número de páginas 64
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato A4 (210x297)
Acabamento Brochura s/ orelha
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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